Welcome to stress-free zone
Wouldn’t it be nice, if there would be one place, where you wouldn’t have to stress at all. A place where you could let your mind wander, as well as your body. A place where you could get rid of the things in your head; work, home, holiday stress. A place where you could do something, or not – all depending on yourself. A place where you could clear your mind and the where things just work by themself.
That place can be found from here in Kinnula, in the shores of Kivijärvi-lake. We warmly welcome you to a stress-free holiday!
Noora & Juha
Stress-free and things to do that will free you from stress
You can even do things at the stress-free zone, because the mind can be cleared by doing nice things. Small hiking or having a cup of smokey coffee by the wicket, making a wooden spoon or a silver jewellery will lower the gears in your head and the stress is relieved.
Fishing, hunting or canoeing will be considered as resting the nerves, althought they require a bit more organizing. By taking a full on break, is offered by both the smoke sauna and old fashioned bathing tub.
Stress is also induced by the fact, that you don’t know what to do. This is why we have organized every villa with games, plays and instructions to what the whole family can do, either inside or outside.